Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Helen Mirren: no copies....or are there??

seems like a good time to go back to rhyming food. Heidi used to do it brilliantly when we were helping out in the old terrapins' home and finding it hard to stop the food fights. she made up a rule that you weren't allowed to throw any food unless you could find a rhyme for it. soon there was hardly any food fighting, up to when Enobarbus brought his new best friend Terrapin Zero in for a 'visit'.
anyway, we are where we are. coming as we are to the end of the summer, can anyone think of a rhyme for ginger chilli and/or garlic, with which we might light our way to winter? as an example of closeness, or homophoneness, if you took Ced's class in lingodepravity at the end of last term, Helen Mirren is close enough to mirin, if you're going down that path, so draw your own conclusions regarding the required accuracy of the task.
I'll kick off.. wine: fog on the tyne. No copies.

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