Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Reader, I married him.

Can anyone believe anything at all about the world today? Ced, for example, has just brought out a book, unbelievably, called 'Ced's book of spoilers', in which he tells you the ending of loads of films and books that you might want to read at some point. When he used to come and stay with us in Terrapin Waters he used to whisper endings to us just as we were dropping off to sleep and least resistant. On a similar note, has anyone got a dog who could either cook for a family OR run around like a maniac in wellington boots? I could use either sort of talented dog, and I would pay £2.50 on receipt.

Friday, 3 October 2008

A Healthy Interest.

would anyone like to write a poem? if not, how does anyone think poem writing is ever going to happen? When Heidi and i took poetry extension classes in the underwater academy after our mother had almost killed herself teaching us the tricks of it we did about 2 weeks and then got sacked for bad poetry, unfortunately, through no fault of our own but just that Ced had (bad luck) turned up on the same course and some of our verses got a bit sarcastic. But that doesn't mean to say we didn't maintain a healthy interest.