Thursday, 15 May 2008

CROCODILE for £2.50.

Has anyone got any space for a crocodile in their pond? I found a homeless one round the back of Sainsbury's - it looks okay but talks funny. I think something might have happened to it. I would pay someone £2.50 on collection.


Jammy said...

i think i know of this croc, was he wearing a bandana and speaking in pirate talk? if he was then it's andrew from hemel hemstead. Please say hi to him from me :)

swaffette Firefly said...

if theyre worth £2.50 let me know i found several baby ones in my garden , i must say theyre much smaller than i initially expected.

-OH damn someone just told me they're woodlice not baby crocodiles at all :(

mark and howard said...

first, crocodile young are actually called woodlice, so you are rich rich rich (possibly), Swaffette. Jammy that is interesting; this croc absolutely refuses to say who he is though. I have said hi to him from you anyway, just in case, but the look he gives me is inscrutible.

Jammy said...

gan on i'll tek it 2 poond fifty.

mark and howard said...

alright jammy you're on. i'll let him know. he's been a bit down this last week what with there being no takers for him, so this should cheer him up no end. I hope you'll take a cheque?

Jammy said...

wow cool so glad nobody else got into a contract race with me, for him, i'll be right over in the morning to collect him. Will i need to buy him anything ? a fish tank or toothbrush? or some croc toys?

mark and howard said...

yes you will. but he definitely doesn't like toys. you will have to buy him A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT.

Anonymous said...

thought this actually happened behind morrisons or something, you would have thought they'd put them in a zooo.