Monday, 14 January 2008


looks like rain again. has anyone got any ideas what to do when it's raining? when Howard was small he was apparently made to sing while his mother made something called 'marmalade mess' for his father. Our friend Ced told me he has never done anything at all in the rain, which I can believe of Ced because he is so lazy and it would be surprising if he had ever done anything NOT in the rain, or ever.


swaffette Firefly said...

i can tell you what NOT to do in the rain - do NOT on any account do country dancing ( this is a true story) my daughter did country dancing in the rain and it caused an eruption of earthworms which in turn led to screaming girls - im not sure why one leads to another but it seemed to .
and as i got here first i can tell you what jammy does in the rain before he does - he ermm no i'll let him explain.

mark and howard said...

i think i have already imagined it......surely not????
I can absolutely imagine that crazy girl country dancing in the rain and all the earthworms joining in !! ! she is MAD MAD MAD haven't we always said it?? it sounds like a good thing to do tho i shall be looking out for the next bit of rain....

Jammy said...

in the rain i mostly like to walk or dance. Picture the morcambe and wise one, singing in the rain and there u have it :)

bob said...

I thoroughly and totally in all senses agree with it all. And am left wondering about what happened to the shoes of the children of swaffette