Wednesday, 2 January 2008


My brother Enobarbus has given out some bad christmas presents in his time but none so miserly as this year when he simply broke off a bit of the turkey while the Queen's speech was on and kept it behind his back until it was time to open the sack. So when he got a present from Heidi you could more or less SEE him shredding off a bit of the turkey to hand over with his customary smirk. He really is a loser. But in this case he got something for nothing, as Heidi had given him an i-pod docking micro-station for his aqua-saab, which is just what he wanted. We were all very cross.
Did anyone else get cross in a similar way at christmas?


Jammy said...

i was most dissapointed with xmas this year. it seemed to come and go much too quickly. i propose an extended easter break in order to make up for the lack of holidays in the year. on a softer note. it snowed here soon after xmas. which was nice :)

mark and howard said...

'disappointed' isn't exactly 'cross' but i will allow it. It did definitely without question come and go too quickly and without sufficient interest. Please go ahead with sorting out an extended Easter break - everyone would love it and you would be KING for a day or even a day and a half!!
It never snows here hardly but i did see some fake snow in Selfridges - a glum affair.

swaffette Firefly said...

i cant really answer this post because the whole of it became a blur after i read ' i-pod docking micro-station ' how in all that is turtle shaped do you know about THEM mark and howard!!!

swaffette Firefly said...

oh and by the way sorry for my absence from this blog but i was temporarily abducted by aliens so thats allowed.

swaffette Firefly said...

oh and i have this vision of the smirking turtle i think someone should draw him .