Monday, 12 November 2007

FISH. Brain Food or Myth?

The thing about fish, if you have ever tried to engage with one, is just how difficult it is to get with what they're saying. 'Forget it!', you think, all too quickly, possibly missing some piece of knowledge you could only get from a fish. Eating them is a whole other issue. Does anyone know how you do it properly? What happens to the head? Howard has a 'fish dumpling' recipe in which there are hardly any fish at all!!
There are those who believe that eating fish increases their brain power. To this i have an unequivocal response - rubbish!! Our friend Ced has fish and chips every Friday and gets stupider by the minute, showing not even a temporary surge on a Saturday morning. Others believe there to be a mythical fish with the head of a man, swimming around somewhere in the oceans, presumably with a modified nose/mouth etc arrangement so he can breathe. (Ced and Howard are both of this opinion whereas i think it sounds unlikely.)
What do you think of fish?


swaffette Firefly said...

How can eating a creature with a 5 second memory increase your brain power? I rest my case.
Now squid completely different kettle of fish *ponders on fish in kettles*
I recommend a weekly portion of healthy calamari - deep frying never hurt anyone.

mark and howard said...

thankyou swaffette that's very helpful especially since we are just about to do our menu planning for next week. we are going to have it (the calamari) on WEDNESDAY, and will let you know how it goes.

mark and howard said...

jammy were you just being flippant when you said you were interested in FISH or is there some problem with your views? remember you can say anything here. (mind you there are a few things i have stopped howard saying in case of spending the rest of his life in exile.)
it might help to express your thoughts in another accent. Howard and i did some Accent Therapy once; to tell you the truth it was more or less rubbish like any therapy, but quite fun and good to get in some practice.

Jammy said...

my feelings on fish are a mixed bag, i spent alot of time recently eating mackeral but seen no positive effects at all. I'm still a little on the slow side and not too quick on the uptake. I even wrote a letter to tesco asking why i was not cleverer now i ate lots of fish. i'm awaiting their response and i'll let u know the outcome.

swaffette Firefly said...

i really think mackerel are too oily to be 'brain food' although they seem to put oil stuff in almost anything and say this will do you good, of course it has to be the RIGHT kind of oil no good scraping up all the burnt bits from a deep frier and putting THAT in those lil plastic coated pills. Now Ive forgotten what i was gonna blog here although the accent therapy does seem a good idea.

swaffette Firefly said...

A short poem on fish

a fish
i wish
was on my dish
although fishing
is not my wishing

mark and howard said...

hmm. that poem by Swaffette is just TYPICAL of the sort of 'I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW BUT I DON'T WANT TO HAVE TO LIFT A FINGER MYSELF TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN' philosophy that besets us round and about and all over the place these days. i hope it was ironic, Swaffette. SOMEONE has to do the fishing, you know.
you did however illuminate something for me - i have been scraping up those deep-fry scrapings for years for supplementary use but will put a stop to it now before i start forgetting what i was going to blog like you did.

mark and howard said...

jammy - i am also eagerly awaiting tesco's response to you. i bet they hav a few good experts on it all.
there are obviously many layers to your relationship with fish. thankyou for sharing one of the outer ones. i am quite interested in getting in a little deeper - say 3 or 4 more layers , but remember that the terrapin is always morally above the fish and will not tolerate too much focus on his old rival.
also, 'slow on the uptake' is really not as bad as you might think. Enobarbus (and Ced, but we don't say it) is very quick indeed, but nobody has ever really liked him, which he was very quick to realise. (but not to do anything about.)
also, what is in your mixed bag of fish? are there chips in there too? i hope so.

mark and howard said...

had the calamari last night. tasty and very very hot. but no discernible improvement in our mental faculties this morning. still needed to tie howard's shoelaces for him. not sure how disappointing this is....i suppose that remains to be seen.

Jammy said...

i do apologise for the rather long delay but these tesco folk are slow at responing and via snail mail. how unconventional and very retro of them but not at all trendy. They kindly informed me to take an IQ test before and after consuming the fish to prove the results before they can take any further action on this matter, any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.

mark and howard said...

i'd be very very wary of IQ tests, jammy, since it has been well-documented (by the afore-mentioned farmer using his whole family and a whole family of rats as control) that actually DOING an IQ test can LOWER your actual IQ by an average (over a month) of 4 points. For many people this would take it down to practically zero. If this doesn't worry you then by all means go ahead. It would certainly be interesting to find out what Tescos have to say in the face of incontrovertible evidence of fish making people stupider, or marketers providing false hope. This is become probably the most serious subject on our whole website.

mark and howard said...

ps i am going to copy Tescos in on my calamari experience/ observations - i hope that's supportive.