Thursday, 11 October 2007


I like grey squirrels, with reservations (the obvious ones); my neighbour keeps a catapult and hard ice cubes to hand. Does anyone know which one of us is right? It's driving us mad!


Jammy said...

Squirrels and quarrels. they go together like nobodies business. you'd be right to slaughter a few of them, especially if they're after your nuts.

mark and howard said...

gosh - i hadn't clocked that blindingly obvious (NOW!!) word-type similarity! lots of stuff (mainly about squirrels) now completely explained.

Jammy said...

squirrels.... twizzels . u name it they match. Watch out for them grey ones they'll have ur hand off. on a side note have u ever noticed how they always look like they're in fast motion? or did i just have my wrong contacts in?

mark and howard said...

wrong contacts jammy - grey squirrels never actually move.

swaffette Firefly said...

aye they stay still its actually YOU thats moving jammy