Saturday, 22 September 2007


would everyone like to collaborate in a poem? shall we all write a line and put them together? do you think we should know what the other lines are or shall we just write what seems like 'a line' to us and just hope it works? do you think we should have some ground rules like that it should be in english?


kiwi said...

english is good as it is the only language I know

swaffette Firefly said...

maybe english but allow for dialect? just a suggestion * slopes back to the pond*

mark and howard said...

okay kiwi no worries english it is mate. nice line swaffette. have you written poems before?

mark and howard said...

okay time's up. time to put the poem together. Hmm it loks remarkably similar to something WHAuden wrote and then threw in the bin. But what did THAT poet know?? oh okay a bit more time but give us your lines NOW: the clock's ticking (stop it, Auden.*)
* that is a genuine poetry reference, Howard.

Jammy said...

yay a poem. i love them. get it started....

'a winters day, so far away'
'on a breeze it came, for me to play'