Thursday, 25 October 2007

Imagination: where does it end??

As a middle terrapin, I cannot really imagine being Enobarbus when he goes on one of his sprees and gets thrown into the Cave for a short while to cool down by our Dad, who is strict. I have tried on his shoes, but nothing came clear. Is there anything you can't imagine? If it is hard to describe, because you can't imagine it, just give a general outline of the kind of thing it is.


Dear everyone,
This morning we went out for breakfast and it was DISGUSTING. We were a bit cross!!
However, this evening we went out for our tea and IT WAS LOVELY!! THANK GOODNESS!!!
Has anyone else had something nasty AND something nice happen to them ON THE SAME DAY?? (We are not interested in hearing from people who are professional at this or who are contriving nice/nasty events just for effect, or who are almost professional.)

Saturday, 20 October 2007


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! U NO HOO YU R!!!! (when can we start going backwards?)

Tuesday, 16 October 2007


does anybody know what vanilla is? i thought it was the best taste for a macaroon, but have recently had the foundations of that thought completely rocked by an elfen blog.

Thursday, 11 October 2007


I like grey squirrels, with reservations (the obvious ones); my neighbour keeps a catapult and hard ice cubes to hand. Does anyone know which one of us is right? It's driving us mad!


As a terrapin, it's such a nuisance coming up to the surface every time i want to eat a bit of decent bread. Does anyone know a lot more than i do about bubbles so that they could design a terrapin bubble for eating bread in? I am absolutely SICK of eating mush, and Enobarbus is LIVID. (nuff motivation.)

Thursday, 4 October 2007


The Moon. (the moon is a traditional subject for poetry.)
A winter's day, so far away,
On a breeze it came, for me to play.
The moon was high
And looked a bit like a mango.
'Must be the Mango In The Moon', mused the middle terrapin, as he
Slopes back to the pond.

'Oh!' he sighed
And 'Oh!' he cried -
For Moon had gone and disappeared
And everything looked dark and weird
And for his life he suddenly feared
But none there was to save him,
But a tiny little elf, who
Made a moat to put him in
And saved the tiny terrapin.

The end.

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

AVOCADO: friend or foe?

I'd like to kick off by saying I really like them, but unless they are straight off the tree they need to be pepped up with chilli etc - like in guacamole. Have I got the right kind of avocado or is the Elf worried about the kind with a long snouty nose that could well suck up a tiny elf? Don't worry Elf -surround yourself with a moat of water in which ants cannot swim but on which you can walk, and those snouty avocados will get the message soon enough.